Avui en dia, fer-se el DNI o el Passaport és un maleït infern.
Com molts de vosaltres us podeu imaginar, no fa gaire que vaig anar a fer-me el passaport. Tot el matí perdut perquè la màquina dels ous "no donava tiquets".
"The machine has the poweeeer. Only it decides who deserves a tickeeeet!"
"Oh godess of the documents. Praise you!"
"Mum, what's wrong with that woman?"
"More scraps! Bring me more scraps!! MORE!! Or there won't be any more tickets!"
Nowadays, queuing up to get your ID Card or Passport done is a real pain in the ass!
As many of you might guess. I recently got my passport done, and that took all morning because the damn machines wouldn't give numbers away for us to get the documents done.
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